Solar System Scale Model Calculator

Solar System Model Inputs

Calculate the scaled planet diameters and planet-sun distances for a solar system model.
Enter scale or diameter or distance, select to show table and/or map below, select options, then press Calculate.
Examples:    Scale 1 : 100000000   or   Sun Diameter = 10 cm   or   Neptune Distance from Sun = 1000 ft.
Model scale: 1 :
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Ceres - Asteroid Belt
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Pluto - Kuiper Belt
  • Eris - Scattered Disk
  • Planet9 - Distant Detached Objects

Solar System Model Table

  • Rings
  • Moons
  • Stars & Galaxies
  • US units (mi/ft/in)
  • Min & Max distances
  • Astronomical Units
  • Light travel times
Model scale:  1 : 637,000,000
Speed of light = 299,792 km/s   Model speed of light = 1.694 km/h
Diameter Orbit Radius   Diameter Orbit Radius
average average minimum maximum   average average minimum maximum
km km AU light-minutes km km   cm km km km
1,392,000           Sun 218.5      
4,879 57,910,000 0.3871 3.2 46,000,000 69,820,000 Mercury 0.7659 0.09091 0.07221 0.1096
12,100 108,200,000 0.7233 6.0 107,500,000 108,900,000 Venus 1.900 0.1699 0.1688 0.1710
12,740 149,600,000 1.000 8.3 147,100,000 152,100,000 Earth 2.000 0.2349 0.2309 0.2388
6,779 227,900,000 1.523 13 206,700,000 249,200,000 Mars 1.064 0.3578 0.3245 0.3912
950.0 413,800,000 2.766 23 381,000,000 446,700,000 Ceres
Asteroid Belt
0.1491 0.6496 0.5981 0.7013
139,800 778,600,000 5.205 43 740,600,000 816,500,000 Jupiter 21.95 1.222 1.163 1.282
116,500 1,433,000,000 9.579 80 1,354,000,000 1,513,000,000 Saturn 18.29 2.250 2.126 2.375
50,720 2,877,000,000 19.23 160 2,749,000,000 3,004,000,000 Uranus 7.962 4.516 4.316 4.716
49,250 4,503,000,000 30.10 250 4,453,000,000 4,554,000,000 Neptune 7.732 7.069 6.991 7.149
2,372 5,874,000,000 39.26 330 4,437,000,000 7,311,000,000 Pluto
Kuiper Belt
0.3724 9.221 6.965 11.48
Orbits of objects beyond Neptune are highly eccentric ellipses, not circles.

Solar System Model Map

You may right-click (or equivalent gesture) on the map to change latitude & longitude.
Model scale:  1 : 637,000,000
Map not shown.