Portmanteau Words
Portmanteau words are words made from two or more other words. I wrote a program to generate some portmanteau words using a thesaurus (WordNet). The program looked for words with related meanings and overlapping spellings. Here are some of the better ones that it found.
- acknowledgmention = acknowledgment + mention
- acquaintroduce = acquaint + introduce
- admirespect = admire + respect
- adolescentertainer = adolescent + entertainer
- adornament = adorn + ornament
- adornamentation = adorn + ornamentation
- alonely = alone + lonely
- ambushwhack = ambush + bushwhack
- amusementertainment = amusement + entertainment
- angleaning = angle + leaning
- animale = animal + male
- antediluviantiquated = antediluvian + antiquated
- applaudits = applaud + plaudits
- applemon = apple + lemon
- arcticy = arctic + icy
- artistudio = artist + studio
- atomicroscopic = atomic + microscopic
- babblecture = babble + lecture
- backsiderriere = backside + derriere
- badvantage = bad + advantage
- ballyhoopla = ballyhoo + hoopla
- bankrupture = bankrupt + rupture
- barbariangry = barbarian + angry
- beginaugurate = begin + inaugurate
- beginitiate = begin + initiate
- behindquarters = behind + hindquarters
- belowgrounderground = belowground + underground
- bespokengaged = bespoken + engaged
- bewitcharm = bewitch + charm
- blastrafe = blast + strafe
- blastrike = blast + strike
- blurbanize = blur + urbanize
- boomerangle = boomerang + angle
- braintelligence = brain + intelligence
- brandishow = brandish + show
- breezephyr = breeze + zephyr
- brouhahangover = brouhaha + hangover
- brushrub = brush + shrub
- buckettle = bucket + kettle
- bugabooger = bugaboo + booger
- bugaboogeyman = bugaboo + boogeyman
- bureauthority = bureau + authority
- burnishine = burnish + shine
- bushrub = bush + shrub
- bustop = bus + stop
- cameradar = camera + radar
- carefreewheeling = carefree + freewheeling
- caterpillarva = caterpillar + larva
- chamberpotty = chamberpot + potty
- chitchatter = chitchat + chatter
- chooselect = choose + select
- churchapel = church + chapel
- clapplaud = clap + applaud
- clapplause = clap + applause
- clashowdown = clash + showdown
- classociation = class + association
- combattle = combat + battle
- cometeor = comet + meteor
- commention = comment + mention
- congestrangle = congest + strangle
- convictim = convict + victim
- coquetteaser = coquette + teaser
- correctify = correct + rectify
- corrosivenomous = corrosive + venomous
- coverlap = cover + overlap
- craftrade = craft + trade
- crashipwreck = crash + shipwreck
- crisscrossbreed = crisscross + crossbreed
- crunchug = crunch + hug
- cryell = cry + yell
- culturefinement = culture + refinement
- curemedy = cure + remedy
- curveer = curve + veer
- dadaddy = dada + daddy
- daemonster = daemon + monster
- demonster = demon + monster
- denudespoil = denude + despoil
- depicture = depict + picture
- derrierear = derriere + rear
- desirequire = desire + require
- digestomach = digest + stomach
- discipleader = disciple + leader
- disciplearner = disciple + learner
- disguisemblance = disguise + semblance
- doublengthen = double + lengthen
- dreambition = dream + ambition
- drumble = drum + rumble
- duetwosome = duet + twosome
- dyellow = dye + yellow
- eggheadventurer = egghead + adventurer
- empiregion = empire + region
- enchantmenthrallment = enchantment + enthrallment
- enjoymentertainment = enjoyment + entertainment
- enjoymenthusiasm = enjoyment + enthusiasm
- erodecay = erode + decay
- erupture = erupt + rupture
- establishmenterprise = establishment + enterprise
- evile = evil + vile
- explainterpret = explain + interpret
- explodestroy = explode + destroy
- fablegend = fable + legend
- fabricloth = fabric + cloth
- faitheory = faith + theory
- fellad = fella + lad
- felladdie = fella + laddie
- femaleader = female + leader
- figureckon = figure + reckon
- filmovie = film + movie
- firstart = first + start
- flapel = flap + lapel
- flashowy = flash + showy
- formerstwhile = former + erstwhile
- friskylark = frisk + skylark
- fryoungster = fry + youngster
- fundertaking = fun + undertaking
- gaincrease = gain + increase
- gamerrymaking = game + merrymaking
- geniuser = genius + user
- gentlemankind = gentleman + mankind
- ghostagger = ghost + stagger
- glidescend = glide + descend
- glimpsee = glimpse + see
- globearth = globe + earth
- gobbleat = gobble + eat
- godeity = god + deity
- gooze = goo + ooze
- governmenterprise = government + enterprise
- grapear = grape + pear
- grouchurl = grouch + churl
- gyrateeter = gyrate + teeter
- gyrevolve = gyre + revolve
- haterrorist = hater + terrorist
- hattire = hat + attire
- hauncheek = haunch + cheek
- headministrator = head + administrator
- headversary = head + adversary
- heavenlightenment = heaven + enlightenment
- heistickup = heist + stickup
- hiddenigma = hidden + enigma
- hintimate = hint + intimate
- holeak = hole + leak
- homicideath = homicide + death
- honestraight = honest + straight
- hoodlummox = hoodlum + lummox
- hoodlump = hoodlum + lump
- humorality = humor + morality
- humoriginality = humor + originality
- imbibeverage = imbibe + beverage
- initialpha = initial + alpha
- invitempt = invite + tempt
- itchafe = itch + chafe
- jobusiness = job + business
- joinfiltrate = join + infiltrate
- joustruggle = joust + struggle
- jumblend = jumble + blend
- jumpstartle = jumpstart + startle
- keistern = keister + stern
- kingdomain = kingdom + domain
- laborganization = labor + organization
- lastop = last + stop
- leadvantage = lead + advantage
- lecturebuke = lecture + rebuke
- legerdemaincantation = legerdemain + incantation
- leisurest = leisure + rest
- licencertify = licence + certify
- lifeeling = life + feeling
- lifestival = life + festival
- literatureading = literature + reading
- lollipopsicle = lollipop + popsicle
- longhandwriting = longhand + handwriting
- loreligion = lore + religion
- lovenjoy = love + enjoy
- madame = madam + dame
- madmaniac = madman + maniac
- magazinewspaper = magazine + newspaper
- maleader = male + leader
- mamammy = mama + mammy
- manimal = man + animal
- masqueradeceive = masquerade + deceive
- mateammate = mate + teammate
- metalloy = metal + alloy
- minfinitesimal = min + infinitesimal
- monoclens = monocle + lens
- moocheap = mooch + cheap
- moochintzy = mooch + chintzy
- moverturn = move + overturn
- murderase = murder + erase
- murmurmuring = murmur + murmuring
- narratell = narrate + tell
- nativeteran = native + veteran
- natureligion = nature + religion
- naturesponsibility = nature + responsibility
- needemand = need + demand
- needesire = need + desire
- newsflashy = newsflash + flashy
- newspaperiodical = newspaper + periodical
- noisensation = noise + sensation
- officenter = office + center
- ogleer = ogle + leer
- opinionotion = opinion + notion
- originception = origin + inception
- originitiation = origin + initiation
- outcastaway = outcast + castaway
- outrageousurious = outrageous + usurious
- overturnover = overturn + turnover
- painfliction = pain + infliction
- painjury = pain + injury
- pastimerrymaking = pastime + merrymaking
- penclosure = pen + enclosure
- persecutormentor = persecutor + tormentor
- picturead = picture + read
- picturealize = picture + realize
- pictureflection = picture + reflection
- picturender = picture + render
- playpenitentiary = playpen + penitentiary
- pleasurejoicing = pleasure + rejoicing
- pleasurevel = pleasure + revel
- pointent = point + intent
- polarctic = polar + arctic
- polishine = polish + shine
- potatomato = potato + tomato
- pushove = push + shove
- pushuffle = push + shuffle
- pushunt = push + shunt
- quartetrad = quartet + tetrad
- quicksilverratic = quicksilver + erratic
- rascallywag = rascal + scallywag
- recitell = recite + tell
- renegadeserter = renegade + deserter
- repelbow = repel + elbow
- reposerenity = repose + serenity
- republicandidate = republican + candidate
- restop = rest + stop
- riffleaf = riffle + leaf
- ripenhance = ripen + enhance
- rotateeter = rotate + teeter
- ruffleaf = ruffle + leaf
- rumpleat = rumple + pleat
- runravel = run + unravel
- saintellectual = saint + intellectual
- salvolley = salvo + volley
- schoolmaterror = schoolmate + terror
- schnozzle = schnoz + nozzle
- scorchar = scorch + char
- scramblend = scramble + blend
- scratchafe = scratch + chafe
- screenigma = screen + enigma
- sensensibility = sense + sensibility
- sexhibition = sex + exhibition
- shackleash = shackle + leash
- shamelancholy = shame + melancholy
- shortcutoff = shortcut + cutoff
- shoutcry = shout + outcry
- sirenchantress = siren + enchantress
- sketcharcoal = sketch + charcoal
- smallowly = small + lowly
- smilingrinning = smiling + grinning
- smittenamored = smitten + enamored
- spareserve = spare + reserve
- spearrow = spear + arrow
- spheregion = sphere + region
- spouseeker = spouse + seeker
- spurging = spur + urging
- squarectangle = square + rectangle
- stigmark = stigma + mark
- stoperation = stop + operation
- storecord = store + record
- stoven = stove + oven
- studentertainer = student + entertainer
- stupidiot = stupid + idiot
- survivorganism = survivor + organism
- swellspring = swell + wellspring
- swerveer = swerve + veer
- switchange = switch + change
- takeep = take + keep
- talentertainer = talent + entertainer
- tattletaleteller = tattletale + taleteller
- taxicabriolet = taxicab + cabriolet
- taxidermistuffer = taxidermist + stuffer
- tempestorm = tempest + storm
- tendernessence = tenderness + essence
- thirstarve = thirst + starve
- thithere = thither + there
- thrustab = thrust + stab
- tiptopnotch = tiptop + topnotch
- titillatingling = titillating + tingling
- tobaccoffee = tobacco + coffee
- tradeal = trade + deal
- traindoctrinate = train + indoctrinate
- tributestimonial = tribute + testimonial
- tubelowground = tube + belowground
- turnoverturn = turnover + overturn
- twisteer = twist + steer
- twistir = twist + stir
- ultradical = ultra + radical
- umpireferee = umpire + referee
- uniqueer = unique + queer
- unitem = unit + item
- varietype = variety + type
- vegetablentil = vegetable + lentil
- villaintruder = villain + intruder
- villainvader = villain + invader
- virtuosorcerer = virtuoso + sorcerer
- visualisee = visualise + see
- washave = wash + shave
- washbasink = washbasin + sink
- washine = wash + shine
- washower = wash + shower
- weirdotty = weirdo + dotty
- wenchick = wench + chick
- whimpulse = whim + impulse
- widthickness = width + thickness
- wifemale = wife + female
- wincrease = win + increase
- wisensible = wise + sensible
- withinside = within + inside
- wobbleaning = wobble + leaning
- worldomain = world + domain