
Tomograms are picture logic puzzles. The rules are simple. You are given a grid of cells and the total numbers of filled cells in each row, column, and diagonal. Use logic to fill in the cells and make a picture.

Tomogram puzzle
Example 10x10-1 ★☆☆
Tomogram puzzle, partially solved
Example, partially solved.
Tomogram puzzle solution: a sailboat.
Example solution: a sailboat.

The outer (black) numbers have arrows pointing to the rows and columns, and the inner (red) numbers have arrows pointing to the diagonals.

A tomogram puzzle is similar to a nonogram puzzle. The differences are that a tomogram includes diagonals, and a tomogram provides only one number per row, column, or diagonal. A tomogram puzzle is similar to a computed tomography (CT) scan. A medical CT scanner computes a cross-section image based on X-ray data from many directions. The word "tomogram" comes from "tomo-" meaning "section" and "-gram" meaning "drawing".

Solving hints

Here are some puzzles for you to print and solve.

Tomogram puzzle
10x10-2 ★☆☆
Tomogram puzzle
10x10-3 ★☆☆
Tomogram puzzle
11x11-1 ★☆☆
Tomogram puzzle
12x12-1 ★☆☆
Tomogram puzzle
13x13-1 ★☆☆
Tomogram puzzle
14x14-1 ★★☆
Tomogram puzzle
15x15-1 ★★☆
Tomogram puzzle
15x15-2 ★★☆
Tomogram puzzle
15x15-3 ★★☆
Tomogram puzzle
15x15-4 ★★★

Puzzles marked difficult (★★★) require more than the basic strategy.

Solutions: 10x10-1, 10x10-2, 10x10-3, 11x11-1, 12x12-1, 13x13-1, 14x14-1, 15x15-1, 15x15-2, 15x15-3, 15x15-4, all solutions.

You can make your own tomograms.